the best i got was the red circle (that acts like the crosshair) was somehow close to the actual aim to the point that u can sort of figure out where you are. I tried with a clean setup /tried messing around with the test mode and gun calibration. and I actually found one and adjusted it to look nice.but then I realized a big problem the aim is off from the actual mouse. and even if the mouse is forced to be hidden the red circle will still be there. / (Emulator pack) 13 2011 : ArcadePC Loader, DeSmuMe, EMU, FourDO, JTCEMU, HalfNes, Mednafen, MESS, Pcsx2, Xbox 360 Controller Emulator, Yoshi NES + Torrent. So this time I had an idea which is to find a script that will create a shape (in my case a circle) that will follow the mouse cursor. and it is not added to TP yet ( I really hope the guys in the TP team give it a look ). The OS is set to janpanese language, and I read on this subreddit that can be some problem of. 0.181/0.200: run ok, but the roms filters are not keeping when i start it. Īnd after looking around apparently it is still the case there is no updates to fix this issue from the jconfig team. Im struggling to run MAME smoothly on a Taito Type X2. and using game loader or rocket launcher you can get a nice crosshair. I remember that the main issue with it for me was that it can't be played by a mouse because the game focuses the window and hides the mouse completely, so playing with the mouse is basically just shooting around until you hit everyone.Īnd the only way that I saw it playable online was by using demulshooter and a light gun and disabling the mouse in jconfig. Download: iDmacXv1.9.rar Read the JConfig page to tweak the game options and to set the inputs of your controller(s). Later, it became a way to tweak and improve the Taito Type X/X2 experience on PC.

Support the creation of the sv folder in the current directory.Added search function of CryptServer keys *.DEADZONE now work's for Winmm and Xinput.Le Taito Type X a connu beaucoup dévolution de son matériel et plusieurs versions ont été commercialisées par Taito : Le Taito Type X+, le.
Changed how to clean the communication buffer Le Taito Type X est un système de jeux vidéo pour borne darcade compatible JAMMA destiné aux salles darcade, créé par la société japonaise Taito en 2004.